Introduction and pedantry §

In programming, we typically think of a variable as a location to store a value. It turns out this is mostly an implementation detail; if we generalize them into their interface, we find a rich space of languages that captures the distinctions between several different types of programming language that seem very different at first glance.

In order to fix some terminology that will be useful in the rest of this page, let’s look at variables as they’re used in everyday programming languages such as Java, C, or Haskell. I will blithely refer to all of these as ‘functional languages’: the imperative nature of those functions in some of them, i.e. that they may perform effects, is not relevant here. Similarly, I will for the most part ignore the distinction between parameters and variables, accepting that a sequential variable binding

bool x = true;
if (x) 

can just as easily be written as a function application

((bool x) -> { if (x)  })(true)

Syntactically, variables come in three parts: declaration, definition, and usage.

Declaration §

The declaration of a variable involves announcing the existence of the variable, giving it a name and a type. Note that when we say type here we include all elements that affect how the variable may be used: type definitions like int, as well as things like mutability or sharing modifiers.

bool x;

Definition §

The definition of a variable is where the variable is given a value; the definition specifies the runtime behaviour of code that interacts with the variable. Sometimes mutation (a.k.a. redefinition) takes the same syntactic form as definition, but these operations should not be confused.

x = true;

Usage §

Finally, the usage of a variable is the code over which the variable is scoped, within which the name can be used to interact with the definition. The usage can be either multiplicative, such as


wherein the variable is merely passed from place to place and its contents are irrelevant; or it can be additive, wherein its value is inspected and some number of code paths may be followed or not depending on the definition, such as

if (x)
declaration vs definition
Declaration can be merged with definition in some languages, especially dynamically typed languages in which specifying a type is not required, but we’ll keep it notionally separate for reasons that I hope will become clear later.

Variables as channels §

If we take the concept above and strip it down to its barest essentials, it becomes obvious that a variable is really just a communication channel between the definition and the usage. The declaration of the variable establishes a new communication channel and gives it a name; the definition of the variable writes to the channel; and the usage reads from the channel. The type of the channel, if present, indicates the protocol between the definition and the usage. One way such a communication channel can be implemented is by evaluating the definition to a normal form and then writing it into a memory location that can be accessed by the usage, and this is what we’re accustomed to from single-threaded call-by-value languages; but this implies certain semantic characteristics, such as the ability to serialize the result of the definition to memory at a well-known location non-interactively, that may not be ideal in all cases.

For example, we can have the definition and usage evaluated concurrently. This is standard practice in π-calculus, where the declaration of a variable (or name, in π-calculus parlance) is given by the ν binder, and the definition and usage live side-by-side as parallel symmetric processes communicating over that name:

νx. (define(x) | use(x))

This is possible because the π-calculus allows for both sending and receiving on a name, i.e. names act as bidirectional channels. The traditional case re-emerges if define(x) only calculates some answer and then writes it on x, and use(x) only reads the answer from x and then performs some further work on it; but it is easy to see that this mode of programming also supports more sophisticated computation patterns, such as swapping the reader/writer rôles of define and use based on a more elaborate protocol, or doing some work in between the reads and writes that is independent of x, and can therefore be done concurrently. The correctness of these protocols can be established by splitting the name bound by ν into two complementary names, and checking them against two dual halves of a session type (Vasconcelos, 2012).

Non-linear variables §

This is all very simple if the variable is used linearly (i.e. defined exactly once and used exactly once), but begs the question: if we have multiple definitions or multiple usages, how do we evaluate them? There are several valid answers to this question, and which one we choose selects between large classes of languages.

Multiple usages §

In the case in which the variable is defined only once and used multiple times, the usual semantics is of some kind of ‘copy’ of the variable. This can take the form of a value copy in a strict language where the variable is necessarily bound to a value; but in a lazier language it could also involve a thunk copy.

Multiple definitions §

The multiple-definition case is less intuitive, and different systems have different answers:

  • in process calculi, the ‘winner’ of two simultaneous reads or writes is picked non-deterministically, and the other left pending a future write or read (respectively);

  • in logic languages such as Prolog or Kanren, all possibilities are tried ‘simultaneously’, ‘Simultaneously’ here usually really means in some language-defined order; a major drawback of Prolog is that even though in notation the code looks very declarative, in order to write effective (efficient, terminating) programs, the programmer must have a quite deep understanding of the evaluation order of the Prolog interpreter. Kanren’s interleaving semantics for disjunction alleviate this problem significantly, and Lozov & Boulytchev address this issue for conjunction as well in their work on ‘angelic semantics’, which is effectively a fair process scheduling algorithm (Lozov & Boulytchev, 2021). by duplicating both definition clauses and usage clauses as necessary, and failing possibilities eliminated;

  • in functional languages, typically each possibility is tried in turn, with a limited ‘pattern’ language used to test, and the first (by order of writing) succeeding definition is picked — i.e. multiple definitions desugar to a case expression.

An interesting observation is that while functional languages typically provide no way to duplicate definitions directly, a sort of definition duplication does occur as the programmer calls a function multiple times: multiple uses (i.e. calls) of the function each create a new copy of that function (stack frame, closure, et cetera) in which the argument variables are bound to different values. This leads to the consideration of ‘optimal evaluation’ (Lévy, 1980) of functions, in which different function invocations nevertheless can share evaluation, if that evaluation doesn’t depend on the function arguments. To achieve the required sharing, these implementations introduce ‘cosharing’ primitives: the result of evaluating a function call is shared by default, and parts of the computatation that differ based on the arguments are ‘unshared’ using a cosharing operation. These primitives are often found in graph-based computational models based on interaction nets.

Variables as effects §

Let’s consider a language that unifies all these possibilities. Take a continuation-passing λ-calculus, i.e. one in which all lambdas are constrained to return an element of a type \(⊥\) with no constructors in the language. Now, in order to depend on the value of an argument, we must pass it one or more continuations, in Church style.

\[λbool. bool\ true\_branch\ false\_branch\]

If this is a standard Church boolean, one of

\[\begin{eqnarray} \operatorname{true} &≝& λt f. t \\ \operatorname{false} &≝& λt f. f \\ \end{eqnarray}\]

then only one branch will be taken, and we have the normal if behaviour; however, we can also write non-standard booleans such as

\[\operatorname{both} ≝ λt f. \operatorname{concurrent} t f\]

where \(\operatorname{concurrent}\) is a term that combines the execution of \(t\) and \(f\) (as in logic languages), or

\[\operatorname{coinflip} ≝ λt f. \operatorname{random} t f\]

where \(\operatorname{random}\) is a term that randomly selects a continuation from its two arguments (as in process calculi).

There are a few interesting things to note here:

  • Even though there are no return values in our language, the possibility of writing both \(\operatorname{parallel}\) and \(\operatorname{random}\) depends on the structure of our semantic return type \(⊥\). If it is a monoid (e.g. a list \([⊥\)]) we can implement sequential non-determinism; if it is a commutative monoid (e.g. a set \(\{⊥\}\)) we can implement concurrent non-determinism; if it includes a randomness effect we can implement random-choice non-determinism.

  • To be able to write effects like \(\operatorname{concurrent}\) that execute both branches, we have to require that both \(t\) and \(f\) be executable at the same time. This isn’t necessarily the case in general; if they share a value that isn’t copyable, or a reference to a value that may not safely be shared in the concurrency model used, trying to execute both may fail. This leads Paul-André Melliès to style non-linear types (ones that may be copied or dropped) as ‘classical’ types, since they enable execution models that defy intuitionistic logic, and thus make intuitionistically unprovable formulae (such as the Drinker’s Paradox) provable.

  • The standard booleans require the ability to drop the other branch — this is usually achieved in linear logic with the additive conjunction \(\&\), viz. \(⊥ \& ⊥\), but can also be simulated in the multiplicative fragment by using weakening, viz. \({?\!\!⊥} ⊗ {?\!\!⊥}\).

This encoding is essentially the result of compiling effect handlers in capability-passing style (Schuster et al., 2020).

Conclusion §

The common or garden programming notion of variable generalizes naturally to a notion of channel between two communicating processes. This suggests further generalizations to effects, but also to e.g. multiparty sessions (multiparty effects?) for coördinating communication between multiple definitions and usages.